AROC Champ Autocross Aug 2, Belle Isle

Here's a reminder that AROC's first 2009 event is coming up on August 2. The location will be on the Belle Isle paddock, which is commonly used by MSCC.

Tech and registraion offically open at 10am and close at 1pm.

First car out should be at around 11am.

Number of runs will be dependant on weather and the number of participants, but it will be at least 4.

For extra runs, we encourage you to volunteer to work a corner station- for ALL workers, you will recieve a pass for free fun runs (weather permitting) at the end of the event. You should get an additional 3 runs if not 4.

If that's not enough, we then would encourage you to join AROC, as we will have unlimited fun runs once the normal fun runs complete.

AROC rules do state that the current oldest helmet legal is an M95. Once a new standard comes out officially, that will change to M2000. We encourage you to get newer ones than that.