Transponder Keys Keep Your Cars Safe

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Cars are a huge investment in our lives. Safety of cars is an important task that shouldn't be overlooked. Latest technology provides with advanced options like transponder keys to keep your car away from burglars. Let's gather some information about these keys.

Owning a car is a dream for many of us. Once bought, its security is what concerns us the most. A car is to be kept as secure as any other valuable. In the recent years central locking systems have been used in most of the cars due to its convenience and the security it provides.

History of Keyless Entry Systems

Car locks have a history of about 5000 years. From the ancient manual car locking system that used large wooden bolts to the latest technology that provides keyless locks, automobiles have come across many types of car keys and locks. Getting into the history of keyless locking systems, it was Ford Motor Company that introduced a car locking system using keypads where a specific code is to be entered to lock and unlock the doors. A similar locking system was introduced by Nissan Maxima in the 1980's. In the early 1990's, Subaru introduced infra-red keyless entry on the Japanese Domestic Market Legacy, installing transmitters in the ignition keys. These are operated by turning the driver's external door handle a specific number of times to unlock just the driver's door. Transponder keys are the latest innovation that has helped car owners to protect their cars from being stolen.

What are Transponder Keys?

Transponder keys, also known as chip keys, are automotive ignition keys which have inbuilt signal-emitting circuits. These keys work by a unique set of codes. These electronic keys are similar in their shape. The difference lies in the chip they have.

Benefits of Transponder Keys

While the manual locking system has many security concerns, transponder keys are a relief in terms of convenience and security. Some of the advantages of using chip keys are as follows.

1. Since each key works on a different code, it's not easy to duplicate transponder keys.

2. It's easy to use. For instance, you can lock all the doors of the car with a single button rather than unlocking each door separately. If you forget to lock your car and remember it while you're at a short distance away from the car, you can just turn around and lock it instead of walking to the car and locking it.

Transponder keys have made the manual locking system almost obsolete because of the safety the cars get from the latest technology. Transponder keys have kept the number of stolen cars less over the years. Once the car keys are lost, you may need the help of a good locksmith who has the equipment and knowledge to duplicate transponder keys. Auto keyless entry provides cars with secure locking systems and allows the car owners to be at peace. This technology is being used to lock houses and offices too.